Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter
from the desk of Dianne, physio at PMFP, Director and Creator of The Pregnancy Centre, Pelvic Floor First campaign ambassador
With some pre pregnancy tips on health insurance and some mindful insights from Kylianne Farrell, Mama Miracles + Movement Mentor, and our link for postnatal guidelines for mums returning to exercise, or getting closer to returning to exercise, we hope that you will enjoy this March newsletter.
Pre Pregnancy |
Tips about Health Insurance
We have added an article recently answering some of the questions about health insurance to consider during your pre pregnancy planning stage. Thanks to Bessie for writing this article to explain answers to some common questions.
Pregnancy |
How well do you know your pelvic floor fitness?
To help you to know your pelvic floor fitness better, we guide you on how to test and tune into your pelvic floor, ideally during pregnancy - before the birth process, through the Pregnancy Pelvic Floor e course.
Post Pregnancy |
So much change to your body
I have had the pleasure to meet and chat to Kylianne Farrell - Mumma Miracle and Movement Mentor from Karratha, Western Australia, and have read some of her articles hearing insights about movement and how it helps in the postnatal recovery process in a new way. Kylianne blends her professional insights from her training as a Counsellor with her movement training, together with her personal journey and experiences in becoming a mumma. Kylianne shares from her most recent experience of the birth of her second daughter, with her blog post on strengthening and evolving post baby.
Post Pregnancy |
Postnatal Exercise Guidelines
We often refer to these but if you are new to the newsletter, we don't recommend that you head straight back into strong core work post birth, or higher impact exercise, until your pelvic floor restores and can match the level of pressure or resistance put on it through exercises.
You can make an appointment with your physio (Dianne if you are from PMFP) who works in women's health, to check your level of pelvic floor and core control before you build your program levels.