Do you ever have trouble getting to sleep? We have a new article written for us with tips for sleeping during pregnancy. We've updated our Exercise in Pregnancy section, and have just launched some of our BEST Pregnancy products as packages loaded with value. Enjoy the links to each of these!
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6 Tips to Get a Good Nights Sleep During Pregnancy
Pregnancy changes can be tiring and also getting comfortable to sleep sometimes a challenge. If you are longing for some more sleep, our new article gives you 6 steps on how to do this naturally.
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Exercise during Pregnancy
After contributing as one of the experts on some new pregnancy and postnatal exercise guidelines in Australia, Dianne has made a few small updates to our Exercise during Pregnancy article. Now the recommendations rather than working to heart rate, are based on the rate of perceived exertion during exercise, and this article includes a link to the Borg scale to assist you to know which level to work to. There are some new pelvic floor links too, as you read through this article.
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Pregnancy Product Power Packages
Our new Pregnancy Power 4 Pack and Powerful Pregnancy Program packages build the scope of what is available now in our store. Visit to see how you can buy the BEST and save, in these value packed offers.