Welcome back to The Pregnancy Centre. Our newsletter post will now be monthly instead of fortnightly. Our main reason for doing this is to shelter you from information overload! You know how it goes; you look up one question on the internet, to find three main facts and those facts lead you to 135 websites of ‘must haves’ and by the time you read through the next 10 pages in your browser, you’ve forgotten the question you needed a simple answer to in the first place. So in short, we will do the boring stuff for you and this will ensure what we offer, is only the best information and resources immediately available for pregnancy and postnatal.
So what’s Dianne up to? While she is still very much 'at our fingertips’, we do need to share her a little more these days. Dianne has joined a wonderful team of health professionals at the Peel Maternity Family Practice in Mandurah. Dianne offers a valuable physiotherapy service and fitness advice for new mums and new mums-to-be. So if you need her help, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. Peel Maternity provides a wide range of services for young families.
Pregnancy |
Supporting mum to support her baby
Our little booklet As Your Shape Changes has certainly gained popularity over the years; and more recently has become a great resource for many fitness professionals as they go about helping our mums with tailored exercise programs through their pregnancy and then return to sport and exercise safely after having their babies. If you have recently purchased a copy, we would love your feedback. If you don’t have a copy, visit our product page.
Labour |
Pelvic Rocking
During pregnancy, pelvic rocking is useful to ease backache and to keep flexibility and movement in the back and spine. Pelvic rocking while sitting on a Swiss ball can be comfortable, and an easy way to feel the movement as the ball helps the movement to flow. This position can also be used during labour.
Post Pregnancy |
Light Bladder Leakage – a misleading euphemism
If someone mentions they have LBL, that may seem quite reasonable, but mention the word, ‘incontinence’ and that may be looked at in a whole new light. Fact finding or sexy slogans, what suits you best? The Continence Foundation of Australia discusses this in a recent article.