Welcome back to The Pregnancy Centre. I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter celebrations and perhaps a little down time too.
As we gear up ready to take on the busy weeks ahead, we thought it may be timely to look at stress; the negative effects it can have on our bodies and look for some positive ways to cope. I know we tend to go on about physical fitness a lot, but for good reason. Exercise not only improves the body physically but emotionally too. This doesn’t mean to say that exercising will take away the stressful times in your day, but you will be amazed how much better you cope. The BIG problems will appear much SMALLER and when the occasion comes for celebrating the good times, you will have the energy to do just that! This month HeartMath shares with us some techniques on how to take action to minimise stress today and reminds us just how closely the mind and body are connected.
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Managing the Mother Load
This year’s World Continence Week will be held 23 to 29 June. The theme is Pregnancy and Pelvic Floor Health. We are proud to be part of the “Managing the Mother Load” initiative. Dianne has been working closely with the CFA to provide some of her wonderful information as a part of the new CFA resource booklet called The Pregnancy Guide.
Post Pregnancy |
The Whole Body Connection
A very wise friend once made the comment, “It’s hard to nurture, if you are not being nurtured yourself”. With this in mind, and Dianne’s quest to provide women with the very best information to limit the day to day physical stress of a mother who is often caught up in ‘nappy land’, our new e-booklet series was born. The Whole Body Connection booklets are so simple and practical to use, is the reason we recommend them to all our new mums.
Post Pregnancy |
Post Natal Exercises
Want to get back into a simple exercise routine now that your baby is born, but just don’t know where to start? Our free exercise handouts are always available on our website whenever you need them.