Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter
from the desk of Dianne, physio at PMFP, Director and Creator of The Pregnancy Centre, Pelvic Floor First campaign ambassador
I have just enjoyed a long weekend in Sydney attending Filex, the fitness convention where their 30th birthday was celebrated. It was an inspirational time attending sessions and reconnecting with some fitness colleagues, learning some great new exercises to bring into the clinic too.
One of the key presenters I enjoyed seeing was Kylianne Farrell from The Movement Room. Looking forward to hearing more from Kylianne's work in the coming months.
Enjoy your weekend and the tips in this newsletter. We'd love to hear from you about what you find valuable and what you would like more of in the coming months.
Pregnancy |
Pregnancy Ball Exercises
Practicing moving on the ball feels good and prepares your body for moving during labour. Here are some simple tips for using a ball during your pregnancy. You can use any of these positions to rock your hips and pelvis if that feels good as you get closer to labour.
Pregnancy |
Don't neglect your pelvic floor
If you are unsure at all, look more into "am I doing my exercises correctly?". This can be by visiting a pelvic floor/pregnancy/women's health physio, who focuses on this area. You can also use the Pelvic Floor First app, and take a look at some deeper work through Preparing Your Pelvic Floor for Birth and Beyond.
Labour |
Pelvic Rocking for Labour
Teaching antenatal classes we often "rock" our mission using pelvic rocking to help baby move down the pelvis into the birth canal during the first stage of labour. This can come naturally to some, other mums to be need to think more about this. Practicing on a ball can give a starting point if rocking your hips and pelvis doesn't come naturally.
Post Pregnancy |
The Early Postnatal Days
Preparing for your baby's birth is one aspect of your pregnancy journey. Another is planning for your postnatal recovery. Take the time to think about how you will protect your body and recover well physically as you adjust to your baby being a part of your life and your new 'routine' and roles.