The Early Postnatal Days

Physiotherapists from the Mater Mothers Hospital in Brisbane have been providing expert advice for women over many years. In the hospital's health and wellbeing section of their website, they have a wonderful array of information and accompanying educational DVD's to help you in the early days of having a baby.

They outline for you how physiotherapy can help and the services that are available for pregnancy and for postnatal mums.

You can watch their Baby handling DVD, which includes excellent posture tips for when breastfeeding. This video also features important points on positioning and holding your baby to help their growth and development. There are some great tips for dads too, showing ways of holding your new baby which will help them to head control as they grow.

You will enhance your own recovery after the birth in using the posture checklist and the advice in this online DVD.

The Early Inpatient Postnatal Mobility DVD allows you to understand and practice some strategies that will help you to recover quickly and well after your birth, and improve your confidence with your baby. There are online DVD's for both vaginal and caesarian recovery.

Their advice of "Always listen to your body and never push into pain" is one to keep with you as both a new mum and ongoingly.

Watching these online DVD's several times will really help you to practise and use their advice daily, building great habits of looking after your body as your baby grows.

Thanks to the Mater Physio's for sharing this advice and enabling us to link to it from The Pregnancy Centre.

Access web-based resources:  

The Mater Physios have produced a series of educational DVDs to help prepare you well for birth and the early days after your baby is born … Please take the time to watch, practise, maybe watch them again several times … practice makes perfect!   You’ll find them on the Mater website: → Mater Health and Wellness (or
→   Physiotherapy        → Antenatal and Postnatal Physiotherapy 
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