Reach Your Goals Without Stressing Out

Written by: Dianne Edmonds Posted on 07 Jun 2018 0

A High-Achiever's Guide to a Successful Life, by Clinical Psychologist Chantal Hofstee.

Discover the brain hacks that are key to working smarter not harder, so you can spend less time wheel-spinning and more time doing things that make your life meaningful.

Chantal Hofstee is a clinical psychologist and an executive coach. Like many of her clients, she is ambitious and driven. Already a master of many life-changing brain training techniques, Chantel found the more mental fitness and brain strength she developed, the bigger her goals became. She would need to discover some kind of 'superpower' if she was going to achieve all she wanted to without sacrificing the work-life balance that was so important to her. Her breakthrough came when she developed her 8-ingredient recipe for effective goal-setting which allowed her to accomplish her goals without burning out.

"Combining scientific research, psychology, mindful awareness and other methods I had been using to help clients create change, I rediscovered powerful 'brain hacks' that have helped me create a life structure that allows me to bring my best self to everything I do," Chantal says.

In her new book Reach Your Goals Without Stressing Out, Chantal explains how we can use our mental resources to their full potential. Using her proven life editing techniques we can learn to ditch the bad habits that drain our energy, blur our minds and disrupt our focus. Her inspirational ideas and practical exercises show you how to break that cycle so you can achieve new personal insights and implement practical strategies for sustainable success.


  • Essential reading for anyone who's stressed out, burnt out or fears they soon will be! Quick and easy tools are shared in Chantal's warm and accessible style, and can be implemented into your life now.
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