As we look back over another birthday month celebration, we can reflect on the many accomplishments we have made over the 16 years of life of The Pregnancy Centre.
Sometimes things seem slow to grow, but we have accomplished much over the 16 years since The Pregnancy Centre's birth back in 1999. Then life on the internet wasn't the same as it is now, and we are glad that we are still around to see the many changes in the world of motherhood, pregnancy and postnatal fitness and women's health both on and off line.
There are times that we did feel like we wanted to "quit" as it's tough going at times, but just like mums going on, we continued, taking some breaks and learning a little more about self care on the journey.
Recently we updated our "About Us" profile, looking at our most recent contributions over the past few years, and it's nice to take a moment to congratulate ourselves on the work that we have done. We've been small part of the work of so many women's health and fitness passionate professionals, and to quote a very well known Physiotherapist and Fitness Professional and renowened author Lisa Westlake "Together we can make a difference". Dianne had the honor of working and presenting with Lisa on several occasions during the Pelvic Floor First campaign, and is thanked for her postnatal exercise insights in her book Mum's Shape Up.
In taking the time to reflect, we came across a new journal Drops of Awesome by our favourite publishing company Exisle Publishing - which says "If you aren't rooting for yourself, who will? Drops of Awesome is that unique discovery journal about celebrating the amazingness of you." Often we do accomplish more than we give ourselves credit for and Drops of Awesome is a journal giving you a place to write down and record some of your successes. "As you work through Drops of Awesome your will start to see just how much goodness you contribute to the world and as you feel that success, you will find that you can accomplish anything".
So if you need a Drop of Awesome in your life to journal your successes, head over to Exisle Publishing to get your copy. It will go on our Birthday present list to help us celebrate turning 16!