I found my marbles!

Written by: Dianne Edmonds Posted on 22 Oct 2013 0

Sounds strange, but about 5 months ago, well before we moved or knew we were moving, I bought a tall vase looking glass blue jar, and some marbles. I was going to be dedicated to implementing some of the self care practices that Dr Sara Gottfried, author of the book The Hormone Cure, suggested.

Transition takes a long time

Written by: Dianne Edmonds Posted on 15 Oct 2013 0

Transition is sometimes one of the more difficult parts of going through in labour. Recently as we have been moving over the past three months, the process has been painful, tedious and sometimes taken way too long. Just like transition in labour for some of us.

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Dianne Edmonds 16/05/2018 8:06:00 PM Thanks Shelly,

You are definitely right there, and I am interested to see how the "over time" evolves now with some deeper thought and reflection following your inspiring blog, and the future work that you do.


Shelly Prosko 16/05/2018 5:15:11 AM Dianne, thank you for sharing your thoughts and for sharing my blogpost!

It's fascinating to watch ourselves change and interpret things in different ways as we gain different experiences over time, isn't it?

Thank you for your support and for all the work you do in service to others!


Dianne Edmonds 28/08/2017 9:07:47 PM That's great Shantelle, all the best.

Shantelle morrison 28/08/2017 8:40:47 PM I feel happy that this helped me I'm about to have a baby just find out thanks

Dianne Edmonds 2/08/2017 2:35:05 PM Thank you for this comment. Glad that it was helpful to you. Dianne