Is it easier to go shopping than to do your pelvic floor muscle exercises?

Written by: Dianne Edmonds Posted on 25 Mar 2014 0

I was just looking around at women in the shopping mall with babies and toddlers, and thinking – it’s much easier to set time to go shopping than to set time to do pelvic floor exercises. Or is it? What about if we consider that there are numerous opportunities during a shopping trip to also invest in your pelvic floor.

A moment of calm

Written by: Dianne Edmonds Posted on 14 Mar 2014 0

Up pops the GPS for the Soul app just as I sit down with my Japanese green tea at the computer. Practicing a new level of ‘self care’ during the day where I pour from a pot and enjoy the flavour, instead of just making a quick teabag cup of green tea.

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Tayla Renard 17/06/2017 1:38:38 PM Very nice useful blog! I agree that "Mother Love should be on every new mother’s coffee table, for reassurance that she is not alone , that she is a ‘good enough’ mother and, with the right support, she can enjoy this precious and exciting time with confidence." Thanks for sharing us.

Dianne 13/01/2017 9:50:25 PM Great motto, I like that one! Taking a slow deep breath to absorb it. Hope it serves you well.

Jennifer Blackford 13/01/2017 5:35:58 PM I love this concept. My motto for this year is, 'Stop, Slow Down and Focus on One Thing'.

Eran Braveman 21/10/2015 9:46:32 PM Great post. A little shorter explanation but it worth reading. You have to provide a little more <a href="">lighting</a> on this topic.

Dianne 3/07/2015 2:19:47 PM Thank you Wendy. That is good feedback for us. We are planning to include more on this topic, including aqua, on the pelvic floor and fitness. Appreciate your time to comment.

Wendy Sutton 3/07/2015 10:00:47 AM I am a fitness instructor and Aqua Instructor at Todd Energy Aquatic Centre, New Plymouth, New Zealand. I am always keen to get more information on how I can help pregnant clients in and out of the water. Any new information in regards to pelvic floor exercises is always welcome.

Marianne Ryan 12/06/2015 6:28:14 AM Thank you for such a nice write up about my book Dianne. And an even bigger thank you for all the support you gave me, especially during the "early" stages of writing it. xx

Beth 1/12/2014 12:42:10 PM I purchased this for my daughter when I had a grandchild. My daughter found it very helpful and of course my grandson is just perfect.

Sam 1/12/2014 8:29:15 AM I highly recommend this book. I learnt so much about better caring for my son, we are both so greatful.